Magic Signs Healing a Scorpion Sting – PGM VII, 193-196

For a Scorpion Sting
On clean papyrus write the charactêres, lay it on the region where the sting is, bind/tighten the papyrus upon it and it will be immediately painless. The charactêres are: (Drawings of magic signs). Makes 11 charactêres.

PGM VII, 193-196, 3rd/4th century, Egypt. British Library, Papyrus London 121. © The British Library Board
PGM VII, 193-196, 3rd/4th century, Egypt. British Library, Papyrus London 121. © The British Library Board

The last sign in this instruction is one of the most puzzling ancient magic signs I have come across so far:

Ancient Magic Sign G6-04-au  Ancient Magic Sign G6-04-au

None of the other magic signs in this instruction is particularly complex, except this last one. It is unknown what the letters meant or referred to.