Egyptian Divination Ritual – Beginning of the Invocation of Anubis

This section of the London-Leiden magical papyrus, also known as pdm xiv / PGM XIV, describes an Egyptian divination ritual, highlighted is the beginning of the invocation of Anubis:

“Anubis, o good cowherd, bring in the light to me!
For you shall give protection to me, here (and) today!
For I am Horus, son of Isis, the good son of Osiris.
Thou shalt bring in the gods of the place of judgment!
Thou shalt let them do my work (and) they shall let
my work go forward.”
Own translation

Section of the London-Leiden Magical Papyrus, recto column 2, 7-9. 2nd/3rd century, Egypt. British Museum EA10070,1 © The Trustees of the British Museum
Section of the London-Leiden Magical Papyrus, recto column 2, 7-9. 2nd/3rd century, Egypt. British Museum EA10070,1 © The Trustees of the British Museum