The Ancient Greek Magical Papyrus PGM III

Note: The abbreviation “PGM” refers to Papyri Graecae Magicae = Greek Magical Papyri.


PGM III is an ancient magic scroll from Egypt dated to the 4th century. The papyrus is preserved in four larger pieces and 29 smaller fragments. The four major pieces measure ~27 cm x 103 cm + 34,5 cm + 19,5 cm + 19 cm.

PGM III  is also known as “Papyrus Mimaut”, named after its previous owner. The scroll is kept at the Musée du Louvre, Département des Antiquités égyptiennes, inventory number N 2391 (Mimaut n°541).


PGM III is inscribed on both sides with 731 lines predominantly written in Greek, but lines 347 ff. and 633 ff. were written in Coptic. The manual contains 15 instructions focusing on foreknowledge and revelation, including two memory spells.


Karl Preisendanz, Papyri Graecae Magicae – Die griechischen Zauberpapyri, Band II (1931), 30-63.
Free download:

Hans Dieter Betz (ed.), The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation (1986), 18-36.



PGM III - Louvre-2391-P.Mimaut
PGM III = Papyrus Mimaut, Musée du Louvre, N 2391 (Mimaut n°541), Département des Antiquités égyptiennes © 2012 Musée du Louvre / Georges Poncet



PGM III - Louvre-2391-P.Mimaut
PGM III = Papyrus Mimaut, Musée du Louvre, N 2391 (Mimaut n°541), Département des Antiquités égyptiennes © 2012 Musée du Louvre / Georges Poncet




Photographs © 2012 Musée du Louvre / Georges Poncet (Link to the Terms of Use:
Infographics: © Kirsten D. Dzwiza @antikemagie


Link to the papyrus on the website of the Louvre Museum: