
The ancient Egyptian deity Soknopaios has the shape of a crocodile with the head of a falcon and was a manifestation of the Egyptian crocodile god Sobek. He was worshipped as an oracle and healing god in the Fayum oasis.

His central temple was in the Egyptian town Soknopaiou Nesos, today called „Dimê“ which is located on the northern shore of Lake Qarun. Soknopaiou Nesos means the „Island of Soknopaios“.

Modern excavations unearthed impressive remains of the large temple complex dedicated to Soknopaios and countless papyri were discovered there, providing indight into the work of this sanctuary and the priests.

The ancient Egyptian crocodile god Soknopaios. The Walters Art Museum, accession number 22.347.

The ancient Egyptian crocodile god Soknopaios. The Walters Art Museum, accession number 22.347.

Images: Statue of Soknopaios, steatite, dating uncertain, 3rd century BCE or later, to The Walters Art Museum, accession number 22.347, CC0 (Public Domain)
