Gold pendant amulet of the Egyptian goddess Maat

The goddess is seated on a pedestal with the ostrich feather symbol on her

The ancient Egyptian term Maat reflects a complex concept that includes justice,
world order, truth, governance and law. An appropriate translation of Maat is not
possible since individual words such as justice, truth or world order reflect only a
partial aspect.

The term Maat arose within the context of the establishment of the Egyptian state

Maat was personified by the ancient Egyptian goddess Maat. She was the
daughter of Re and appeared, among others, in her manifestation of Tefnut as
the Eye of Re.

The pendent is dated to ca. 1.370 – 1.330 BC.

Gold foil pendant amulet of the Egyptian goddess Maat, around 600 BC, Egypt. British Museum, London, EA48998
Gold foil pendant amulet of the Egyptian goddess Maat, around 600 BC, Egypt. British Museum, London, EA48998. © The Trustees of the British Museum

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